Monday, July 25, 2011


Pelvis showing uterine fibroid
Laparoscopic view of pelvis showing uterine fibroid.
Also called as myomas, fibromyomas or leiomyomas, Fibroids are non-cancerous tumours of the uterus that appear during your childbearing years. Fibroids can appear on the inside or outside lining of your uterus, or within its muscular wall. They usually develop from a single smooth muscle cell that continues to grow.
Fibroids often cause no problems, but may occasionally be associated with infertility, miscarriage and premature labour. Other possible problems include heavy, lengthy and painful periods. Treatment depends on the size, number and location of the fibroids, but may include drugs and surgery. Fibroids rarely turn cancerous.
  • Fibroids are growing large enough to cause pressure on other organs, such as the bladder.
  • Fibroids are growing rapidly
  • Fibroids are causing abnormal bleeding
  • Fibroids are causing problems with fertility.

In many cases, fibroids are asymptomatic. Symptoms may include:
  • Heavy periods
  • Lengthy periods
  • Period pain
  • Spotting between periods
  • Painful intercourse
  • A sensation of heaviness or pressure in the back, bowel and bladder
  • Frequent urination
  • A lump or swelling in the lower abdomen.

Different types
Fibroids are categorised by their location, which includes:
  • Intramural - growing in the uterine wall. Intramural fibroids are the most common variety.
  • Submucosal - growing in the uterine lining (endometrium). This type tends to cause excessive menstrual bleeding and period pain.
  • Subserosal - growing on the exterior wall of the uterus. They sometimes appear like long stalks.
Endometrial polyps
Fibroids can prompt the growth of polyps in the uterine lining (endometrium). A polyp is a small protrusion that looks like a tiny ball on the end of a slim stalk. Endometrial polyps can also contribute to menstrual problems, such as excessive bleeding and pain.
Common complications
Fibroids can cause a variety of complications, including:
Anaemia - excessive menstrual blood loss can cause anaemia, a disorder characterised by the body's inability to carry sufficient oxygen in the blood. Symptoms of anaemia include breathlessness, fatigue and paleness.
Urination problems - large fibroids can bulge the uterus against the bladder, causing a sensation of fullness or discomfort and the need to urinate often.
Infertility - the presence of fibroids can interfere with implantation of the fertilised egg in a number of ways. For example, the egg may try to burrow into a fibroid, or fibroids close to the uterine cavity may'prop open 'the uterus, which makes successful implantation difficult.
Miscarriage and premature delivery - fibroids can reduce blood flow to the placenta, or else compete for space with the developing baby.
Diagnosis methods
Fibroids can be detected using an ultrasound, where sound waves create a two dimensional picture. The inside of the uterus can be examined with a hysteroscope, which is a thin tube passed through the cervix (neck of the womb). A small camera may be placed at the tip of the hysteroscope, so that the interior of the uterus can be viewed on a monitor.
Most fibroids do not cause symptoms, and do not require treatment. A 'wait and see' approach is sometimes adopted.
  • Fibroids may require treatment in the following circumstances:
  • Fibroids are growing large enough to cause pressure on other organs, such as the bladder.
  • Fibroids are growing rapidly
  • Fibroids are causing abnormal bleeding
  • Fibroids are causing problems with fertility.
Treatment options
Treatment depends on the location, size and number of the fibroids, but may include:
  • Drugs - such as hormones, used in combination to shrink the fibroids prior to surgery.
  • Hysteroscopy - the fibroids are removed via the cervix, using a hysteroscope.
  • Laparoscopy - or 'keyhole surgery', where a thin tube is inserted through the abdomen to remove the fibroids.
  • Open surgery - larger fibroids need to be removed via an abdominal incision. This procedure weakens the uterine wall, and makes Caesarean sections for subsequent pregnancies more likely.
  • Hysterectomy - the surgical removal of some, or all, of the uterus. Pregnancy is no longer possible after a hysterectomy.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Natural Remedies For Treating Fibroid Tumors

Locating uterine fibroids - InSightec
Locating uterine fibroids - InSightec
Fibroid tumors, also known as myomas or leiomyomas, commonly occur in up to half of all women over the age of 40. Statistically they affect approximately 25% of white women and up to 50% of black women during their reproductive years and up through menopause. Though uncomfortable, they generally do not require surgery as they can be treated with natural remedies that do not run the danger of causing side effects.

What are Fibroid Tumors?

Fibroid tumors are made of connective and smooth muscle tissue found in the wall of the uterus. These tumors can grow singly or in clusters. Generally they grow to the size of a walnut, but occasionally they can be larger, causing greater discomfort as they place pressure on the womb.

Intramural, which is the most common, growing in the inside wall of the womb
Subserosal, which generally grows on "stalks" that emanate from the outside of the womb and sometimes grow to a large size.
Submucosal, which grows inside the muscle lying below the inner lining of the womb wall
Cervical, which grow inside the cervix wall

What Causes Fibroid Tumors
It is believed that fibroid tumors are caused by an excess of estrogen in the system. As estrogen levels rise during the reproductive and early menopausal years, the body is often unprepared to release these excess levels. Women who take extra estrogen during menopause are especially prone to fibroid tumor growth.

Symptoms and Conventional Treatment of Fibroid Tumors

Fibroid tumors are main reason why many American women opt for hysterectomies. Though they generally disappear by themselves after menopause, they can cause a great deal of discomfort such as lower back pain, cramps, pain during intercourse, and urinary and bowel problems. Many women choose to take prescription drugs, which attack the problem, but not the symptom and can lead to dangerous side effects. Additionally the tumors often grow back once the drugs are stopped.

The Idea Behind Natural Remedies

More women are turning to natural remedies as proscribed by traditional Chinese medicine and other holistic approaches. Acupuncture is a healing tradition that has been used for centuries to successfully treat fibroid tumors as it addresses the cause rather than the symptom. Because of this, the tumors are less likely to re-grow. Because Chinese medicine's root belief is that physical problems are due to an energy imbalance in the body, the idea behind the development of a fibroid tumor is that the blood flowing to and from the uterus has been impeded. Causing blood stagnation where the blood then accumulates in the tissues, a tumor begins to grow. Imbalances in the liver and spleen contribute to the problem by not allowing the body to detoxify properly.

Herbs for Healing Fibroid Tumors

Naturopaths, or those doctors who deal in natural medicine, will often proscribe herbs that will balance your hormones, regulate your period, and reduce inflammation in order to help shrink fibroid tumors. Some of the best herbs to accomplish this are the following:
  • Chasteberry: reduces excess estrogen, balances hormones, reduces inflammation and symptoms of PMS
  • Red raspberry: controls excess bleeding, replenishes lost vitamins and minerals
  • Motherwort: relaxes the uterine muscles, prevents cramps, balances hormones
  • Siberian ginseng : prevents heavy bleeding
  • Red clover: helps the liver get rid of excess estrogen
  • Goldenseal: reduces inflammation, keeps uterine tissues healthy
  • Echancia: controls benign tumors and reduces inflammation
  • Licorice root: reduces bloating and helps with liver detoxification
  • Black cohosh: relieves menstrual pain, and works with problems linked to menopause, protects liver and is an anti-inflammatory
  • Dong Quai: protects liver and is an anti-inflammatory
  • Dandelion, Milk Thistle, Yellow Dock Root: metabolize estrogen and rid the body of excess
You can use any one of these herbs or combine them to make a tea. Prepare by adding a small handful of herbs to a pot of boiling water. Steep for five to ten minutes and drink three times a day. Alternatively you can buy these herbs in capsule or tincture form. By taking them regularly, fibroid tumors have been known to shrink within two months.

Other Natural Remedies for Fibroids

Exercise is an important element for helping the body to rid itself of toxins. Paying attention to your diet is another essential ingredient for health, with concentration on green super foods such as algae and wheat grass. Blackstrap molasses and apple cider vinegar are excellent choices for cleansing the body, with molasses helping with heavy bleeding. Placing a warm castor oil pack on your stomach is another alternative that can help to reduce the size of fibroid tumors.
Reference -

An in depth discussion of Uterine Fibroids

Fibroids or leiomyomas(myomas) are the commonest non-cancerous tumors of the uterus. Nearly 50-60% of women in child bearing ages are estimated to have fibroids. However many women do not have any complaints because of these fibroids. However fibroids are one of the commonest indications for hysterectomy.
Fibroids are actually tumors of the smooth muscle of the uterus. These grow under the influence of estrogens and progesterone. Hence fibroids are not seen in the post menopausal population.
Growth and location are the main factors that determine if a fibroid leads to symptoms and problems. A small lesion can be symptomatic if located within the uterine cavity while a large lesion on the outside of the uterus may go unnoticed. Different locations are classified as follows:
Intramural Fibroids are located within the wall of the uterus and are the most common type; unless large, they may be asymptomatic. Intramural fibroids begin as small nodules in the muscular wall of the uterus. With time, intramural fibroids may expand inwards, causing distortion and elongation of the uterine cavity.
Subserosal fibroids are located underneath the mucosal (peritoneal) surface of the uterus and can become very large. They can also grow out in a papillary manner to become pedunculated fibroids. These pedunculated growths can actually detach from the uterus to become a parasitic leiomyoma.
Submucosal fibroids are located in the muscle beneath the endometrium of the uterus and distort the uterine cavity; even small lesion in this location may lead to bleeding and infertility. A pedunculated lesion within the cavity is termed an intracavitary fibroid and can be passed through the cervix.
Cervical fibroids are located in the wall of the cervix (neck of the uterus).
fibroid uterus
The symptoms of fibroid relate to their location and size. A large intra mural fibroid may not cause any problems, but a small sub mucosal fibroid can cause lot of problems. The most common symptoms caused by fibroids include pain, irregular menstrual bleeding, heavy menstrual bleeding, inter-menstrual bleeding, recurrent abortions (sub mucous fibroid), and infertility. Women may also complain of painful urination and defecation along with urinary retention.
The pain of fibroid is typically dull dragging type of pain but may also present as a sharp pain localised to lower abdomen and vagina. The pain may at times radiate to lower back and legs.
The most common symptom associated with fibroids is menstrual irregularities. Most commonly women have heavy and prolonged bleeding.  Women may also develop inter –menstrual bleeding and bleeding after sexual intercourse (cervix fibroids).
Fibroids, especially sub mucosal fibroids may also cause infertility and recurrent abortions in frequently.
The diagnosis of fibroids is made by demonstration of these masses on ultra sound. Sonography will depict the fibroids as focal masses with a heterogeneous texture, which usually cause shadowing of the ultrasound beam. The location can be determined and dimensions of the lesion measured.
Most fibroids do not need treatment. Asymptomatic fibroids detected incidentally can be managed conservatively with serial ultrasound scans to study the evolution of these fibroids. Most of them will shrink after menopause, so by expectant management we can minimise the hazards of surgery.
Treatment for symptomatic fibroids is surgical in nature. The surgical procedures most commonly used are Hysterectomy and Myomectomy.
During hysterectomy the entire uterus along with its supporting tissues is removed. This is generally reserved for those women who have completed their families and are symptoms due to fibroids.
Myomectomy is reserved for small to medium isolated fibroids in a child bearing age women who wants to retain her reproductive functions.
To summarise, fibroids are a benign tumor of the uterus. It rarely causes symptoms, but when it does cause symptoms the management of choice remains removal of the fibroid surgically either by a hysterectomy or myomectomy.

There are few Natural Therapies Which Have shown Sucess in treatment of Fibroid Utrus. To know more Click Here

Uterine Fibroids Treatment that is Not Invasive

Recover fast from your fibroids with ExAblate

The non-invasive, outpatient uterine fibroids treatment is an alternative to hysterectomy, myomectomy and UAE. ExAblate treats uterine fibroids (myomas) using MR-guided focused ultrasound. More than 6500 women have already undergone this incisonless procedure.

Why choose ExAblate for treating your uterine fibroids?
- It's non-invasive - so there's no cutting or general anesthesia
- It's an outpatient procedure - so in most cases there's no hospital stay
- It's not experimental - so it's safe for use and reduces the risk of side effects
- There's a short recovery time - you'll return to livelihood quickly

What are uterine fibroids?Uterine fibroids (non-cancerous tumors) are quite common - affecting between 20-50% of women of childbearing age. While many women do not experience any problems, symptoms can be severe enough to require treatment. Read more about fibroids.

What are the key symptoms of uterine fibroids?
  • Heavy and prolonged periods
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Lower back or leg pain
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Need for frequent urination caused by bladder pressure
  • Feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen


Listen to doctors and patients talk about their experience with non-invasive treatment for uterine fibroids

Dr. Matzko (Klinikum Dachau Germany)‚ talks about the ExAblate treatment for uterine fibroids .

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Natural Alternative Treatment

Shrink and Cure Fibroid Tumors

A Natural Alternative Treatment

If you are looking for a natural way to cure, dissolve or shrink fibroids then you have come to the right place. For those diagnosed with uterine fibroids or any other kind of fibroid tumor it is important to realize that you have more healing choices than you know. It is possible to heal fibroids without surgery or drugs and even without expensive supplements, herbal concoctions and weird diets. I should know, I did it! And you can too.
When you first get diagnosed with something serious like uterine fibroids, fear and confusion can often take over and leave you feeling lost. But there is no need to feel that way, do a little research of your own and make a decision that you feel comfortable with. If you decide to take the traditional medical/surgical route to get rid of a fibroid tumor then that is fine, I make no judgement on anyone who takes that route.
Remember some medical treatments for uterine fibroid tumors can affect your fertility. The bottom line is you may not be able to have children. So it is important to consider alternative uterine fibroid treatments.
Explore all your options and know that I am here if you need me.
Years ago during my first pregnancy, I was diagnosed with a large uterine fibroid that threatened the life of my unborn baby. Today I have two wonderful children, a happy fulfilling life and I am pleased to say no fibroids or other dis-ease in my body. All this without surgery or medical intervention. I have created this website for anyone who may be experiencing fibroids.  I want to keep it short, to the point and informative because I can remember how afraid and upset I was quite apart from the pain I was experiencing, so you don't need waffle.
Click on the following links if you want to skip to my healing process and experience or see useful resources including my Cure Fibroids Naturally Book for your own healing. You can buy the paperback version here or as an instant download here.

What Are Uterine Fibroids?

I know that when I was first diagnosed with a uterine fibroid in my thirties, I had never heard of them before, and my first question was "what are fibroid tumors?". So here is some basic information for anyone who may be in that position.  You are probably already aware of fibroid signs and symptoms but again it is always good to cover the basics.
More Uterine Fibroid Information

Uterine Fibroid Treatments - Medical

It is well worth considering all the medical treatment options for uterine fibroids before you decide on any course of action.Whilst new treatments for fibroids are coming along all the time I have put the main current medical treatment options here. These usually include hysterectomy, myomectomy, hysteroscopic resection, uterine artery embolization and MR guided focused ultrasound surgery. Sometimes these fibroid treatments involve the use of drugs to shrink the fibroids first. I also cover the likelihood of fibroid tumors returning after surgery.
Medical Uterine Fibroid Treatments

Fibroids - A Personal Fibroid Story

As you will see from my personal fibroid healing story, today I am healthy and fibroid free and that is because I made a decision to take back control of my body and make healthy choices. The main reason I have written this site is to let people know that it is quite possible to cure fibroids naturally without weird diets, drugs or surgery. I am living proof, I cured my uterine fibroid tumor quite naturally and I share my own fibroid story with you in this section.
My personal Fibroid Healing Experience

Uterine Fibroid Ultrasound Scans

I was pregnant when I dicovered by uterine fibroid during a standard ultrasound scan. For those who are interested, my own fibroid ultrasound scans and the obstetrician & gynaecologist consultant letters are available here.
Uterine Fibroid Ultrasound Scans & Gynaecological reports

Healing Uterine Fibroids - Making Healthy Choices

I have put together some key pointers and thoughts for your consideration if you have fibroids ( or any other health challenge for that matter)and are interested in natural fibroid tumor healing.
Natural Fibroid Healing - Making Healthy Choices

Cure or Shrink Fibroids Naturally Plan

Your choice of treatment to shrink or cure your fibroid tumor is an important one. So it is vital to have a plan of action when you find yourself having to make choices which can affect your ability to have children. This is my basic uterine fibroid guide that provides the basic information on how to dissolve fibroid tumors naturally
Basic Uterine Fibroid Tumor Health Strategy

Fibroid Tumor Books & Resources

You will find the general information here on useful Fibroid Tumorbooks & resources. For those who want to follow the fibroid healing process I undertook I have created a book.
Useful books and resources

Cure Fibroids Naturally

Cure Fibroids Naturally: A guide to healing uterine fibroids naturally

If You Have Fibroids - You need this book

So many people emailed me after I started this website asking me to help them shrink fibroids naturally and to tell them exactly what I did to dissolve my fibroid. It started to take several hours a week to answer the letters and I soon realised that although I could share the basics of the process I could not give them what they really needed. The practical work is what really makes the difference. But many who contacted me were not in the UK so having personal sessions with me to learn the practical techniques was not viable. So I decided to write everything down making it available for those who want instant access anywhere in the world - as a download eBook with audio guidance which now allows anyone with a computer to work on healing themselves at any time.
Cure Fibroids Naturally eBook - More Details Here ...

Cure Fibroids Naturally Paperback & CD

If you would prefer to buy the paperback version of my book with CD please visit the link below...
buy the paperback version here

Friday, July 22, 2011

Download PDF 53 scenar therapy effectiveness in uterus myoma

Start Download Now
Download Download Myoma Ebook


Uterus myoma is a rather widespread disease. The literature says that 15-17%
of women over 30 have the myoma (V.I. Kulakov and co-authors, 1995). Uterus
myoma is a non-malignant growth of muscular and connective elements. In modern
science uterus myoma is considered as a dyshormonal tumor with violations in the
system hypothalamus – hypophisis – adrenal cortex – ovary. Tumor’s dyshormonal
nature causes some metabolic disorders, functional liver deficiency and often disoders
in adipose metabolism. Hypothalamus-hypophisis disorders may precede the
appearance of a neoplasm or develop secondarily from the myomatic uterus due to
pathologic afferentation.
Patients with uterus myoma often have violations of menstrual function, pain
syndrome and sterility.
Searching for new effective methods of treating uterus myoma is a current
problem of today’s medicine.
There are only several reports on using SCENAR-therapy in treating uterus
myoma in literature (L.M. Kudaeva, I.A. Minenko, 1998; G.V. Subbotina, 1997).
The aim of this work is to evaluate the effectiveness of SCENAR-influence in
women with uterus myoma.
The testing group included 12 women from 34 to 45 years old with uterus
fibromyomas. All patients preserved a menstrual function. The diagnosis of uterus
myoma was confirmed by USI in 100% of cases.
All USI investigations were done on the 8-10 day of the menstrual cycle.
Clinical investigations showed the predominance of hyperpolimenorhea (11
women or 91.6%), aches in the bottom of the stomach (9 or 75%), dysuria disorders
(7 or 58.3%), violations of bowel function – constipations (8 or 66.6%), blood secretion
between menstruation periods (6 or 50%), easy fatigability (10 or 83%), sterility (5 or
Treatment results were estimated basing on changes in female subjective
sensations, USI data, and in some cases basing on results of histological investigation
of endometritis taken by scraping off the uterus cavity.
The patients underwent SCENAR electropulse therapy according to the long
scheme (3-6 courses with 20 sessions during the first menstrual cycle and 7 sessions
during the second menstrual cycle) or according to the short scheme (7 days before the
menstruation and 7 days after it).

The zones of common influence were stimulated (along the barbate outgrowths;
two paravertebral lines at the electrode width distance from the backbone; six points –
trifacial’s output on the face, three on each side; neck-collar zone) and local zones
(sacral-backbone, suprapubic, liver, spleen, adrenals and others). Kidneys’, liver’s,
adrenals’ and pancreas’s meridians were also stimulated. The treatment was made in
constant and individually dosed modes considering signs of small asymmetry. Sessions
were made daily, 20-40 minutes each.
After the SCENAR-therapy course 7 patients had normal uterus size, 5 women
had considerably decreased uterus size corresponding to the 5th-6th week of pregnancy.
All supervised had regress of clinical symptomatology (decreased hyperpolymenorhea,
pain syndrome, dysuria disorders and so on).
It is worth mentioning that on the first stage of treatment in some women uterus
myoma increased to a certain extent, but later considerably decreased. So it was
necessary to do USI in 1-2 months after electropulse therapy.
Apparently, SCENAR-stimulation activates interrelations between central nervous
system, immune and endocrine systems and it contributes to normalization of
homeostatic indices. Mechanism of their influence is connected with activating
adaptation-compensatory processes with gradual increase of functional reserves in the
process of individually oriented course influence, as well as with non-specific body
protection in general (V.G. Zilov with co-authors, 2000).
The above-mentioned mechanism of SCENAR-influence contributes to high
healing effect in gynecological pathology and makes it perspective in the obstetricians’
and gynecologists’ practice.
Here is an example of two cases of uterus myoma disease.
A 43-year-old patient had been under observation because of this pathology for
6 years.
At her coming USI showed a multiple uterus myoma equal to 13-14 weeks of
pregnancy. The woman was suggested to be operated on, but rejected it out of hand
and decided to undergo SCENAR-therapy.
After the first course of treatment the myoma’s size decreased and equaled 9
weeks of pregnancy. After the second course of treatment neoformation’s size went on
decreasing and was equal to 7-8 weeks of pregnancy. USI made in the end of the third
course diagnosed the myoma equal to 6 weeks of pregnancy. After four courses of
SCENAR-therapy the uterus took its normal size, there was only one node 15 mm in
diameter. The patient felt better after the first course of treatment, hemoglobin was
almost normal (112 g/w.b.c.), there weren’t any dysuric disorders, and menstrual cycle
was restored.
The second patient was 40 years old and had submucous uterus myoma
complicated by hyperpolimenorhea.
The woman had polyvalent drug allergy. In this situation the patient underwent
SCENAR-therapy from the last day of the previous menstruation till the first day of the
current menstruation with the pause for menstruation and 7-day treatment more after
the menstruation.
After the second course of SCENAR-therapy (during the second phase of
menstruation cycle) there was a spontaneous formation of myomatous node 30 mm in
diameter. Repeated USI didn’t indicate any nodes. Menstruation cycle was restored,
pains ended.

Research results show the importance of SCENAR-therapy in treating
gynecological pathology as it is quite simple in use, highly effective and produces
steady positive effect. It is necessary to continue further research on this problem.

Information About Fibroid uterus Free Ebook

Fibroid uterus 

FIBROID UTERUS Fibroids are benign neoplasms which are composed of smooth muscle cells,with variable amount of fibrous connective tissues or resemble fibrous also ...

             Free Ebook

Myoma (Fibroid) Intrudoction

What is Myoma (fibroid)?

A myoma, commonly known as a fibroid, is a benign tumor that develops in or around the uterus. Fibroids are medically known as leiomyomas and are tumors of the smooth muscle, the tissue that normally makes up that wall of the uterus.
Fibroids are a common condition that affects approximately 20% of childbearing women. African Americans are more likely than Caucasians to develop the disease, as are women who are over 30 years of age, are overweight or obese, or have never given birth .
The fibroids may appear as one large fibroid or many small fibroids. Their cause is not known; however, they appear to be associated with the presence of estrogen. During childbearing years when a woman’s estrogen levels are high, fibroids slowly increase in size. But during menopause when a woman’s estrogen levels are low, fibroids rarely occur.
The symptoms of fibroids may occur frequently or only occasionally. The disease course varies among individuals. Some women have no symptoms at all, while others have abdominal pain, abnormal vaginal bleeding, difficulty urinating, or pain during sexual intercourse. A fibroid can grow large enough to put pressure on the bladder, making it difficult to expel urine and eventually causing infection.
Medications, hormones, and surgical procedures are effective in reducing symptoms or in removing the fibroid completely.
Seek immediate medical care (call 911) for serious symptoms, such as uncontrollable vaginal bleeding, dizziness, rapid heart rate (tachycardia), or fainting or loss of consciousness.
Seek prompt medical care if you are being treated for uterine fibroids but mild symptoms recur or are persistent.

Myoma (Fibroid) Causes

What causes a myoma (fibroid)?

The cause of fibroids is not known; however, their development seems to be associated with the female hormone, estrogen. Fibroids appear during the childbearing years when a woman’s estrogen levels are high.
Uterine fibroid tumors ( myomas ) are caused by estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance is too much estrogen relative to progesterone in your body. Synthetic chemicals in our foods, body lotions, laundry detergent, and some foods in our environment mimic estrogens that encourage uterine fibroid tumors ( myomas ). It is a tug of war between estrogen and progesterone. If estrogen wins then you get uterine fibroid tumors ( myomas ).
The cause of uterine fibroid tumors ( myomas ) according to Dr. Lee, a Norwegian, is estrogen dominance. What does this mean? It means that women are getting too much estrogen relative to progesterone.

Estrogen, in general, tells your body cells to proliferate. Progesterone tells your body cells to slow down. Progesterone says that your cells should mature and NOT reproduce.