What causes a myoma (fibroid)?
The cause of fibroids is not known; however, their development seems to be associated with the female hormone, estrogen. Fibroids appear during the childbearing years when a woman’s estrogen levels are high.
Uterine fibroid tumors ( myomas ) are caused by estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance is too much estrogen relative to progesterone in your body. Synthetic chemicals in our foods, body lotions, laundry detergent, and some foods in our environment mimic estrogens that encourage uterine fibroid tumors ( myomas ). It is a tug of war between estrogen and progesterone. If estrogen wins then you get uterine fibroid tumors ( myomas ).
Estrogen, in general, tells your body cells to proliferate. Progesterone tells your body cells to slow down. Progesterone says that your cells should mature and NOT reproduce.
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